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New Book Documents Satanist Jewish Subversion

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A conservative “mindset is going to be essential to minimize/counter 
the encroachment of the globalist system. 
Though the patriotic/nationalist movements are growing across the west, 
what is absent is a sufficiently strong anti-Marxist sentiment. 
What people must understand is that these things are antagonistic 
- the stronger that Marxism is within a nation, 
the less chance it has of being stable, sovereign, 
and escaping the globalist system.” 

Red Pandemic shows quite clearly that we are dealing with a pandemic of psychotic, civilisation-destroying behaviour never seen before in human history.

by Emmet Conner

A major objective of Red Pandemic is to create an anti-Marxist mentality in affected nations. 

Though there are ideological, historical, political, and geo-political aspects to the ideology, it is primarily psychological. Therefore, the general attitude of the masses towards Marxism is of central importance. The ideology needs to be demonized and not given an inch. It’s pointless for everyone to continuously discuss the results of Marxist activism and indoctrination while not actively minimizing/combating the amount of indoctrination that takes place!


Starving this ideology of oxygen will allow a more patriotic, nationalistic mindset to take hold in the affected countries. 

This mindset is going to be essential to minimize/counter the encroachment of the globalist system. Though the patriotic/nationalist movements are growing across the west, what is absent is a sufficiently strong anti-Marxist sentiment. What people must understand is that these things are antagonistic – the stronger that Marxism is within a nation, the less chance it has of being stable, sovereign, and escaping the globalist system. 

Through decades of societal conditioning, many are still reluctant to consider a nationalistic mindset as a solution to the problem of globalism. The influence of Marxism has contributed to this. Of course, the ideology is also hostile towards traditional values, and these values are complimentary to patriotism.



The book also addresses how the ideology attacks the pillars of western civilisation – capitalism, Christianity, and culture, in addition to the traditional family unit. Since the ideology of Marxism pushes its product of socialism (as an alternative to the capitalist system), it is thoroughly dismantled in its own section within the book. The importance of Christianity and why it should be preserved in western countries is covered. Being an ideological rival, with its own set of beliefs and moral standards, makes it an opponent of the cult/ideology. 

This will be a challenge for non-Christians since they must put their own beliefs aside and do what’s best for the integrity of Western Civilisation. This means we all need to preserve Christianity and what it represents. 

In addition, Marxism is essentially Satanism repackaged. It’s an anti-humanity ideology. As an example, we can see the Satanic undertones when the cult (via the feminist movement) promotes abortion as “healthcare”. Indeed, the inversion of morality is a Satanic concept. Since this is an anti-humanity ideology propelled by humans, this makes Marxist cult members traitors to the human race. As for culture, we can see how the cult is continuously rewriting historical narratives in a partisan Marxist fashion. The destruction of the traditional family unit sub-agenda is examined – the cult/ideology pushes everything except traditional, heterosexual child-producing relationships. The other sub-agendas – feminism, LGBTQ, and veganism combine on this issue. They all help to reduce fertility and birthrates in affected populations.


Though this subject is not new, it is something that needs to be revisited with a fresh, current perspective. The fact that this ideology is still not widely understood – and has not been successfully exposed – indicates that this new approach is needed. The ideology continues to reinvent itself and poses a constant threat to civiliZation, therefore, we must remain vigilant and give it no quarter.

What sets this book apart, amongst other things, is that it focuses on the nature of the indoctrination, and that we are essentially dealing with a global cult movement. Understanding the nature and potency of the indoctrination is key in preventing more souls from being caught in the big (commie) red net, particularly the youth. 

The indoctrination has convinced millions around the globe that they are part of a virtuous, benevolent movement, destined to create a utopian society. These faux rebels need to be toppled from this position post-haste. The book provides an understanding and tactical approach not used before. Red Pandemic shows quite clearly that we are dealing with a pandemic of psychotic, civilisation-destroying behaviour never seen before in human history.

Emmet Connor is an Irish author, podcaster, X-spaces host, and online content creator. His work focus on subjects including patriotism, ideology, indoctrination, globalism, current affairs, and geopolitics. His YouTube channel Resolving Reality includes interviews, presentations, and solo videos.

In his first book – Red Pandemic: The Global Marxist Cult – Connor exposes the source of all the crazy revolutionary activism and chaos in the world today – the ideology of Marxism – highlighting its unrivaled toxic impact on world affairs and humanity in general.

Visit for more information”.


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