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How To Can Potatoes for Long Term Preservation

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How To Can Potatoes for Long Term Preservation


Potatoes are low acid foods. It’s important to be aware that the only suitable method for canning low acid foods is by using pressure canning.

Make sure that your equipment is nice and clean. Here are the items that you will need to can your potatoes:

  • Jars
  • Potatoes
  • Salt

 #Step 1

The first step you will take is to give your jars a good wash. You will need to sterilize your jars. This will clean your jars and rid them of any bacteria. Sterilize your jars by putting them in hot soapy water. 

When you have finished cleaning and sterilizing your jars, you will then want to move onto cleaning and sterilizing your jar lids. 

#Step 2

Prepare your potatoes.

canning potatoes for long term preservation

Give your potatoes a quick wash. Then peel your potatoes and slice them into dices.

#Step 3

Fill up your pot with cold water. Then place your potatoes on the ring and begin cooking them. Make sure that you cook them until they are almost cooked. You will have to test them with a fork for this. Add a bit of salt too while you are cooking.

#Step 4

Once the potatoes have almost cooked, you need to turn off the cooker.

canning potatoes for long term preservation

Drain your potatoes and be ready to put them into your jars.

Leave your potatoes on a sieve over the pot and let the water drain from the potatoes for five minutes.

#Step 5

While you are waiting for your potatoes to drain, what you need to do is to sterilize the jar lids in hot water for around five minutes. You can also steep the jars in hot water while you’re waiting, making sure that there are no bacteria in the jars (or lids) before you put the potatoes in.

Let your jars dry out on the outside before you place the potatoes in them. Give the jars a soft pat with a towel, so that they are not slippy on the outside. It makes it easier for you to work on the next step.

#Step 6

The next step is to fill the jars.

canning potatoes for long term preservation

Put the potatoes in the jars first, then add the water. There is a good reason for this. Don’t fill up the jars with water to the top. And add a little bit of salt into the jars. Just a pinch will do.

Keep the jars and the jar lids hot until this point. Use a towel when you are handling the jars to protect your hands.

 #Step 7

Air bubbles will accumulate at the top of the jars, you will need to remove those air bubbles before you seal the jars. The best way to remove the jars is by using a plastic spatula.

Next, you need to wipe the rims of the jars. Dry the rim of the jars using either a towel or some paper towels. Whether you use a towel or use paper towels, make sure that the towel or the paper towel is damp.

#Step 8

Close the jars by sealing the lids of the jars. Don’t seal them too tight, as you will not be able to open them. Just tight enough that the potatoes are kept fresh.

#Step 9

For ten minutes, place your cans in a pressure canner. Place your jars several inches apart, so that they are not touching each other. Once you see the steam coming out from the canner, you can put the timers on your canner.

As you close the vent on your canner, place the weights on top. Then, let the pressure build up in your canner.

#Step 10

Turn down the heat and place your canned potatoes in your pantry.

canning potatoes for long term preservation

By not canning your potatoes properly, you can become unwell or even worse, it could be careful. So can your potatoes with caution. Don’t miss out any steps in the process.

The water that you fill up your jars with, should not be the same water as you cooked your potatoes with. The water that you will cook your potatoes in will have too much starch in them. 

This article was inspired by ”The Lost Frontier Handbook”. The Lost Frontier Handbook is a guide created by Suzanne Sherman. It reveals long-lost skills of our ancestors that helped them survive during a crisis, natural disasters, and emergencies. The handbook contains high-resolution, detailed diagrams and step-by-step instructions on various survival tips and techniques. Some of the valuable lessons that consumers will discover include medicinal remedies, stockpiling and preserving foods, finding a steady supply of clean water off the grid, and many more. In addition, the content involves step-by-step instructions and detailed images. You can get your copy HERE !

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