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By John Rolls (Reporter)
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X22 Report: Eric Trump & Clay Clark - It’s Working! People Are Seeing It! 2024 The People Will Take Back The Country! - (Video)

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Eric Trump kicks off the conversation talking about his father’s case. The entire case was built of no evidence and the judge is corrupt. The people of this country now see the two-tiered justice system. The more the [DS] tries to stop Trump they are waking up more people. The elections were rigged in 2020 and they are going to try to rig the election 2024. But the elections are protected, and the people will take back the country.

If we don’t take back America in 2024 election. The country is over as we know it. we will never recover from the corruption. After they destroy in Dollar and put us in WW3. they will control us all. Look what they have done in just 31/2 years. Biden don’t even follow the laws. SCOTUS has no meaning to Biden he does as he wants. What other laws will he disobey in the Next 4 years. It’s not just Biden, it’s the whole democrat party that is ruling now! they say what you want to hear, year after year after year. how is it nothing of what they say ever gets done, or they would have to change their song, but it stays the same.

Eric Trump/Clay Clark - It’s Working,People Are Seeing It,2024 The People Will Take Back The Country



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Total 5 comments
  • US Marine Fighting Tyranny

    My Fellow Americans:


    Here is a truth this filthy, lying, INTERNATIONAL TERROR PROPAGANDIST KUNT Dave, and his ilk will never say:
    FACT: This country has already been overthrown from within and the CRIMINALS have completely taken over!

    SITUATION: They will NEVER leave. You will NOT petition, vote or lawsuit your way out of this, ALL organs of state for a “peaceful” method(s) to fix this are under their absolute control.

    SOLUTION: The only solution that will actually fix this problem WILL involve the use of 1 – Firearms, 2 – VIOLENCE, with both being applied in abundance.

    APPLICATION: They exterminate us, OR, we exterminate them. There is no middle ground in the end.

    OUTCOME: Anything less then the complete extermination of these traitors means THEY win.

    YOUR CHOICE: Standby and do nothing until they come to put you in their mass graves, or fight for your right to exist.

    JD US Marine Ready, Willing & Able To Do What Is Necessary To Save Our Once-Upon-A-Time Great Country.


    Dave and his X666 Report are CIA-Zionist-Jew owned/controlled/operated propaganda outlet,… you know,… A another TRAITOR.

    Dave is a low-life INTERNATIONAL TERRORIST KUNT that earns his treason pay with each and every dis-info show he posts.

    Fuk this kunt and his controlled asset “guests”.

    If they were real…

  • residentp

    Fake wannabe history already written to pacify the sheeple, but the same predetermined hidden script will be the conclusion. Dead people can’t prosecute or blame traitors.
    Yes…sheeple are seeing.

  • Jimmy

    Common sense tells you, you don’t wait until something is destroyed to save it,… The “Need To Wake Up” anyone is the “carrot” they keep you chasing,… because at the rate we are going, there is not going to be anything to save,… Everyone is going to be either crippled, bankrupt, or killed,… except the 5-10% who are also going to be in the chopping block & struggle to lose what they have,… They are already going after the food we have left, the water supply, the farms, & the weather, where anywhere & everywhere is flooding, or getting destroyed w/ extreme fires, extreme hail, extreme wind, extreme tornadoes, or extreme hurricanes. When, in the history of the US have anyone ruling cared about waking anybody up,… ??? That has got to be the “stupidest” excuse they could come up w/,… But what’s worse, are the people believing this bull-shit,… & they’ll be waiting until their very end,… They keep “repeating” ad nauseam,… we’ve already won, this is not real, it’s a script, it’s a movie, nesara/gesara is just around the corner, or already started, they got all criminals arrested & executed for their crimes, the invaders are next (yeah, right) but why the hell are we still running out of everything that gives us life, our life-savings, our jobs, our relatives, our friends, & pretty soon,… our very own lives,… Oh yeah,… I forgot,… they’ve got to wake the “idiots” up,… & then, they can “lift a finger” to go save anyone still alive,…

    • Jimmy

      Oh yeah, & I forgot,… The US/Mexico border “invaders” were already deported,… the ones you are seeing, are not real,… they are just “movie actors & extras” (or clowns), to keep the “movie” going,… So don’t worry,… they’ve got this,… Go back to “sleep”,…

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