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By Nicole Morgan (Investigative Reporter)
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Pascal Najadi: Red Alert! Scorched Earth Op is Coming and it's Going to Happen Fast! (Video)

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by N.Morgan

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Pascal is sharing a red alert about the coming Scorched Earth Op and what’s it’s going to entail..



Check out what else Pascal has to share!



Stories Contributed by N. Morgan

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Total 22 comments
  • Adi Da Samraj

    🌹The Free Declaration of The Universal Moral, Social, and Political Laws of True and Necessary Civilization🌹
    👐🏻 The old moral, social, and political “order” of humankind is now dead. A new and true and right order of humankind is, now, and forever hereafter, necessary. This Free Declaration is the Seed-Utterance of that new and necessary true and right (and truly globally, totally, and universally cooperative) order.
    👐🏻 This moment in human-time—July 23, 2006—is the precise and decisive moment of the uniquely new human necessity for all of humankind. Therefore, all signs say and illustrate that, if the new Way of true and right and truly human civilization herein and hereby Freely Declared is not now and everywhere chosen and enacted, the return to a natural and ego-based and inherently immoral chaos of separateness, division, mutual opposition, deadly competition, global conflagration, universal suffering, universal darkness, and universal death will have its global mandate of indifference—to move by nature’s “twos” of human species’ double-minded left and right of hands, to terminally and conclusively replace the civilization of this always fateful all of humankind.
    👐🏻 One and all, consider this Free Declaration of your possibility on Earth.
    👐🏻 One and all, Be of this Free Wisdom Blessed and made all right—together and at once. 👐🏻

    • Anonymous

      Get a life!

      • Adi Da Samraj

        Admin: Really, all there is, is a Thoughtless, Mindless, Knowledgeless Feeling-Intuition of Being. That is about it. And I am going to get on with That. I only Realized That Intuition by Grace of Da’s Divine Avataric Incarnation here, His Instruction to me, His “Consideration” with me, His discriminative Examination of everything I said and did. I have discovered that the Means for being established in that simple Reality is “self”-surrendering and “self”-forgetting Communion with Da. By this Means, many changes are occurring, and I am very grateful for that. I am getting on with it. That is the whole of Spiritual life. It is self-authenticating, obviously true, and I am serious about it.

    • Adi Da Samraj

      — TRUMP for SPEAKER of the HOUSE ASAP —
      🎲 U.S. Rep. Troy Nehls leads push for Donald Trump to be next House Speaker 🎲
      ❤️ Trump has shown some signs of humoring the idea. He posted a picture of himself with the speaker’s gavel on social media and is reportedly considering visiting the Capitol next week. ❤️
      OCT. 5, 2023

  • truck driver

    Paschal truck lines is by fort cambel Kentucky

  • Anonymous

    Pascal is not JFK nor is the Earth flat. This leads me to believe that he is not a completely sane individual.

    • Anonymous

      He tells aware people what they already know but then leads them astray with Bullshit. You can easily prove the flat earth thing with a trip to the coast and a zoom lens camera. Nothing is “going over the horizon” so why did they lie to every single small child as soon as they enrolled in Fool School?

      • HopiumKoolAidVomit

        Then, why can’t we see the Eiffel tower from the east coast? Dumb ass!

      • HopiumKoolAidVomit

        Get binoculars! Spend some time in the Navy. Everything goes over the horizon eventually. That’s why they have over the Horisont targeting. (bet you’ve never heard of it). Your brains are so small you can’t comprehend how big the world is.

  • Great awaking

    This guy not real, watch as his right shoulder on his suite disappeared and shows background behind , thisnhay happened on other videos with his hair missing . This is cgin computer generation

  • GilgaMike

    :eek: WHAT_now, seriously though: a speaker in a video mentions that our earth is NOT a baall….and NOBODY in the comments goes into fierce vulgar compulsions of cognitive~dissonance?!? :lol: ->wow!<-

    • Anonymous

      It may be because there is over $300,000 in cash awards for anyone who can prove that we live on a rotating ball. Nobody can collect, not even the frauds at NASA or they would have already done so.

      • HopiumKoolAidVomit

        Maybe because everyone knows there’s no proof that you brain dead fucktards would except anyhow. You’re riveted in stupidity, and what IS provable is that for some reason you all are relentless in proving it to the world because you can’t shut up about it.

        • Anonymous

          A real video or real photos would do the job. The Blue Marbles that brainwashed you since you were a toddler have all proven to be fakes and paintings so why the lies if they had the real thing?
          But think about it. If we had a real photogragh of the earth that showed curvature, you would be able to zoom in and see high rising objects and buildings all going up at different angles like pins in a pin cushion.
          70 years “in space” and we see no pictures with any detail at all.

  • G

    What I have found out and that I believe to be true, is that the real Pascal Najadi and his mother, like many other Swiss citizens, were deceived by Swiss government and health officials to take the COVID bioweapon. After he found out that the COVID vaccine is in fact a bioweapon with which he was injected, through the complicity of the Swiss government with big pharma, he suit Swiss government officials. Sometime after this lawsuit, that seems to have caused panic among those guilty of this crime against humanity, appeared the character Pascal Najadi on TELEGRAM. On this channel, this character, calling himself Pascal Najadi, started to make the astonishing claim that he is in fact the reincarnation of President JFK (assassinated on Nov 22nd, 1963 is Dallas, TX, USA) and that he is married to Princess Diana who is also his daughter (!), and that both are members of the US Space Force (USSF) fighting the evil Satanist cabal, that is waging war against humanity. As members of USSF, he claims they are fighting to save humanity and our children from these evil child sacrificing Satanists.
    The question that probably many have is if the character calling himself Pascal Najadi is in fact the real person or a fake character created and played by an impostor (possibly paid by the cabal) that is also using an AI (Artificial Intelligence). Why would the criminal cabal create a fake character of Pascal Najadi and make these astonishing claims? To discredit him because of the…

    • HopiumKoolAidVomit

      Makes sense! Because too many things about him don’t, aside from his crazy claims. He would’ve been well to leave those alone, but you know, deep stators always expose themselves somehow. They just can’t help it.

  • G

    To discredit him because of the lawsuit against the Swiss government criminals implicated in crimes against humanity. With Pascal Najadi totally discredited because of these astonishing claims, his accusations against the criminals in the Swiss government would also lack credibility.

    To complement the comment above, I will mention a few reasons for the cabal to create a fake Pascal Najadi character.
    1) To discredit the real Pascal Najadi;
    2) As a money scam to take advantage of those who believe in GESARA and QFS that he is recommending;
    3) To identify those who support the anti-jew rhetoric spelled by him.

  • jeremyfeit

    Pascal’s brain doesn’t work well. It’s the after affects of having his brain blown to bits in his past life as JFK.

    An insider (alleged son of WEF co founder who dropped out coz he couldn’t hang out with those corrupt genocidal evil fucks)
    who nevertheless took the death jab twice
    Cigarette addict
    Flat Urther (they have members all AROUND the GLOBE, you know)

    He and cig smoking Father Guido Sarducci are comedians.

  • CA:ndoit

    Michael Yon – Situation Report, June 29, 2024, from Japan

    Japan is also on the delete list.

    Name-stealers Cultural Marxism specifically targeting Japan (Remember Cultural Marxism before WAS explicitly targetting the White population, anti-white.)
    Ubisoft CEO SLAMS Gamers After BACKLASH For Assassin’s Creed Shadows Black Samurai Controversy

      • CA:ndoit

        Those calling themselves “Jews” are impersonators so nothing they say is legitimate and certainly not all, it is illegitimate.

        They are trying to blend us more than them, ridiculous; then again most of them are psychopaths.

        • CA:ndoit

          The so called “Jews” are talking shit, and they themselves are the name-stealing people, the impersonating people, “Jews” believe in their own lies, they have worse than shit for brains. A nasty blend of peoples, the worst. They are not loved by their parent Race on either side, and I think that is it. There you have it! Revenge.

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